Rwanda Wildlife Safaris, Rwanda Wildlife Safari, Wildlife Safaris in Rwanda

Rwanda Wildlife Safaris offer an unparalleled experience, showcasing the country’s rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes. Central to these safaris is the Volcanoes National Park, home to the world-renowned mountain gorillas. Trekking through the misty forests to encounter these gentle giants is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The Akagera National Park, with its vast savannahs, wetlands, and lakes, provides a contrasting safari adventure where visitors can spot the Big Five—lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. Nyungwe Forest National Park, one of Africa’s oldest rainforests, is a haven for primates, including chimpanzees and colobus monkeys, and boasts an extensive canopy walk. Each park offers well-organized tours with knowledgeable guides, ensuring that visitors gain deep insights into the wildlife and ecosystems. Complementing the wildlife encounters are Rwanda’s conservation efforts and sustainable tourism initiatives, making these safaris not only thrilling but also environmentally responsible.

Best 10 Top Rwanda Gorilla Trekking & Wildlife Safaris Tour Packages 2025, 2026

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safaris
Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safaris

2 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari

Rwanda Gorilla trekking safari in this land of 1000 hills begins from Kigali to Parc National des Volcano/Volcanoes National Park and back to Kigali for a city tour. During this Rwanda safari.

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Rwanda Safaris
Rwanda Wildlife Safaris

3 Days Rwanda Safari Vacation (Big Five)

A 3-day Rwanda safaris tour vacation takes you to Akagera National Park, home to wild mammals, the Big Five, and a variety of birds. We go on a day game drive through the park.

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Rwanda Gorilla Safaris
Rwanda Gorilla Safaris

4 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari

This 4 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safaris tour and wildlife tour takes you on a gorilla trek in Volcanoes National Park, a savannah safari in Akagera National Park, and a city tour in Kigali.

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5 Days Kenya Safari
Wildlife Adventure in Kenya

5 Days Rwanda Wildlife Discovery Safari

These 5 Days Rwanda Wildlife Discovery Safaris tour allow you to see the game, bird watching, nature walks, and boat trips in Akagera National Park. This charming park is surrounded.

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Rwanda Gorilla Safaris
Rwanda Gorilla Safaris

7 Days Rwanda Uganda Tour

7 Days Rwanda Uganda Tour for Ultimate Gorilla Trekking, Golden Monkey Tracking, and Wildlife Adventure Safari. You’ll arrive at Kigali Airport and transfer to your accommodation.

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Uganda Safaris Tour
Uganda Safaris Tour

7 Days Uganda Rwanda Safari

This 7-day Uganda Rwanda Gorilla Safari takes you through the Pearl of Africa – Uganda and the Land of a Thousand Mountains – Rwanda to see abundant wildlife including .

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Rwanda Safaris Tour
Rwanda Safaris Tour

5 Days Rwanda Wildlife Safari

These 5 Days Rwanda Wildlife Discovery Safari allow you to see the game, bird watching, nature walks, and boat trips in Akagera National Park. This charming park is surrounded by mountains.

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Rwanda Gorilla Safaris
Rwanda Gorilla Safaris

6 Days Rwanda Safari Tour

This 6 days Rwanda safari tour includes gorilla trekking, cultural encounters, entertainment, chimpanzee trekking, and a canopy walk in Nyungwe. This 6-day Rwanda safari tour.

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Uganda Gorilla Trekking Safaris
Uganda Gorilla Trekking Safaris

4 Days Rwanda Gorilla Safari

This 4 Days Rwanda Gorilla Trekking Safari and wildlife tour takes you on a gorilla trek in Volcanoes National Park, a savannah safari in Akagera National Park, and a city tour in Kigali.

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Uganda Gorilla Trekking
Uganda Gorilla Trekking

Where Can I See Wildlife in Rwanda?

Rwanda offers several prime locations for wildlife viewing, each with unique ecosystems and diverse species. The Volcanoes National Park is a premier destination, famous for its mountain gorilla trekking, where visitors can experience close encounters with these critically endangered primates. Akagera National Park, in the eastern part of the country, is ideal for traditional savannah safaris and is home to the Big Five: lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos, alongside giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species.

Nyungwe Forest National Park, located in the southwest, is one of Africa’s oldest rainforests and a biodiversity hotspot, renowned for its large population of chimpanzees and a variety of other primates, as well as its impressive canopy walkway offering bird’s-eye views of the forest. In addition to these major parks, the Gishwati-Mukura National Park provides opportunities to see a range of bird species and primates in a recovering forest ecosystem. Each of these destinations offers guided tours and a chance to witness Rwanda’s commitment to wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism.


Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, located in the eastern part of Rwanda along the border with Tanzania, is a stunning conservation area that spans over 1,200 square kilometers. This park is characterized by its diverse landscapes, including savannahs, wetlands, lakes, and woodlands, making it a haven for a wide array of wildlife. Akagera is notably home to the Big Five—lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos—thanks to successful reintroduction and conservation efforts. Visitors can enjoy classic game drives to see these majestic animals, along with giraffes, zebras, antelopes, and numerous bird species.

The park’s extensive network of lakes, including Lake Ihema, offers opportunities for boat safaris where hippos and crocodiles can be observed up close. Akagera’s conservation success story is underscored by its collaboration with the African Parks organization, which has significantly reduced poaching and improved wildlife populations. In addition to wildlife viewing, Akagera offers luxurious lodges and camping sites, ensuring a comfortable and immersive safari experience.


Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, located in the northwest of Rwanda, is a world-renowned destination primarily known for its population of mountain gorillas. Encompassing five of the eight volcanoes in the Virunga Mountains, the park’s lush, mist-covered rainforests provide a striking backdrop for gorilla trekking, offering visitors a chance to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The park is home to several habituated gorilla families, and guided treks allow tourists to spend precious, regulated time with them, making for a profoundly moving experience.

Besides gorillas, the park also hosts other primates like the golden monkeys, as well as a rich variety of bird species, including several endemic to the Albertine Rift. The park’s diverse flora includes bamboo forests, Hagenia woodlands, and open grasslands, supporting a wide range of wildlife. Volcanoes National Park also offers cultural experiences, such as visits to the nearby Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village, where visitors can learn about Rwandan traditions and the lifestyle of the local communities. The park is a testament to Rwanda’s conservation efforts, with sustainable tourism playing a key role in the protection of its unique biodiversity.


Nyungwe Forest National Park

Nyungwe Forest National Park, located in southwestern Rwanda, is one of Africa’s most pristine and oldest rainforests, spanning approximately 1,020 square kilometers. This biodiversity hotspot is celebrated for its dense jungle canopy, which provides a lush habitat for a remarkable variety of wildlife. The park is especially famous for its primate population, hosting 13 different species, including a significant number of chimpanzees and the charismatic Ruwenzori colobus monkeys, often seen in large troops. Bird enthusiasts will find Nyungwe equally enchanting, as it is home to over 300 bird species, including the Great Blue Turaco and numerous Albertine Rift endemics.

One of the park’s highlights is the Canopy Walkway, a suspended bridge 50 meters above the forest floor that offers breathtaking views and a unique perspective on the forest’s upper layers. Nyungwe also features numerous hiking trails, such as the Igishigishigi Trail and the Bigugu Trail, which cater to various fitness levels and interests, from birdwatching to waterfall sightings. The park’s diverse flora includes a mix of bamboo, ferns, and orchids, contributing to its status as a critical conservation area. Visitors to Nyungwe Forest National Park can enjoy guided tours and educational experiences that emphasize Rwanda’s commitment to preserving this unique and vital ecosystem.


What Wild Animals Are in Rwanda? What Animals Do You See on Safari in Rwanda?

Rwanda is home to a diverse range of wildlife species, making it a captivating destination for safari enthusiasts. During a safari in Rwanda, visitors have the opportunity to encounter iconic animals such as mountain gorillas, which are found in Volcanoes National Park, alongside other primates like golden monkeys and chimpanzees. In Akagera National Park, sightings of the Big Five are possible, including lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos, as well as giraffes, zebras, hippos, and numerous antelope species. Nyungwe Forest National Park boasts a rich avian population, with over 300 bird species, as well as various primate species like colobus monkeys and L’Hoest’s monkeys. Rwanda’s wildlife diversity, coupled with its stunning landscapes and commitment to conservation, ensures a memorable and immersive safari experience.


Best Time to Visit Rwanda for a Wildlife Safaris Tour

Rwanda offers a unique and unforgettable safari experience year-round, but certain times of the year provide more favorable conditions for wildlife viewing. Understanding the best time to visit can enhance your safari experience, ensuring you encounter the rich biodiversity of this East African gem in optimal conditions.

Dry Season (June to September)

The dry season, from June to September, is widely regarded as the best time for a wildlife safaris tour in Rwanda. During these months, the weather is relatively cool and dry, making it ideal for trekking and game viewing. In Akagera National Park, the savannah grasslands are less dense, and animals congregate around water sources, making sightings of the Big Five more frequent. In Volcanoes National Park, the trails are less muddy, facilitating easier access for gorilla trekking. Nyungwe Forest National Park also benefits from the drier weather, offering clear paths for chimpanzee tracking and canopy walks. Moreover, this period coincides with the summer holidays in the Northern Hemisphere, making it a convenient time for international travelers.

Wet Season (March to May and October to November)

The wet season is split into two periods: the long rains from March to May and the short rains from October to November. While the rains can make trekking more challenging due to muddy and slippery trails, these months have their unique advantages. The landscape is lush and verdant, providing a stunning backdrop for wildlife photography. Additionally, fewer tourists mean a more intimate and less crowded safari experience. For bird watchers, the wet season is particularly rewarding, as migratory birds arrive, and resident species are in full breeding plumage. In Volcanoes National Park, the gorillas are often found at lower altitudes during the wet season, sometimes making the treks shorter.

Shoulder Seasons (December to February)

The shoulder seasons, from December to February, offer a balance between the extremes of the dry and wet seasons. During these months, the weather is generally dry with occasional rains, providing good conditions for both trekking and game drives. Wildlife is still abundant, and the vegetation is lush but not overly dense, allowing for good visibility. This period is ideal for those looking to avoid the peak tourist crowds while still enjoying favorable weather conditions.

Considerations for Planning

When planning your wildlife safari in Rwanda, it’s essential to consider your specific interests and preferences. For example, if gorilla trekking is your primary goal, the dry season’s ease of access might be preferable. However, if bird watching or enjoying a tranquil, less crowded experience is a priority, the wet season could be more appealing. Additionally, booking permits for gorilla trekking well in advance is crucial, as they are limited and in high demand year-round.

In conclusion, while Rwanda offers remarkable wildlife experiences throughout the year, the best time to visit depends on your specific interests and the type of safari experience you seek. Whether you prefer the dry season’s accessibility and abundance of wildlife or the wet season’s lush scenery and bird watching opportunities, Rwanda’s diverse ecosystems and well-managed parks ensure a memorable safari adventure.


What are the Big Five in Rwanda?

The Big Five in Rwanda

Rwanda, known for its remarkable wildlife, is home to the iconic Big Five. These majestic animals are a highlight of any safari experience.


Lions, the apex predators of the savannah, roam freely in Akagera National Park. Reintroduced successfully, they are now thriving. Observing these powerful creatures in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience for safari-goers.


African elephants, the largest land mammals, are a prominent sight in Akagera National Park. Their impressive size and gentle nature captivate visitors. Elephants are often seen in family groups, foraging or bathing near water sources.


Cape buffalo, known for their unpredictable nature, are common in Akagera. They are usually found in large herds. Their presence adds excitement to the safari, as they are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.


Leopards, the elusive and solitary big cats, inhabit Akagera National Park. They are skilled hunters and climbers. Spotting a leopard is a rare and rewarding experience, given their nocturnal and secretive behavior.


Both black and white rhinos have been reintroduced to Akagera National Park. Their conservation represents a significant achievement for Rwanda. Seeing these critically endangered creatures in the wild is profoundly impactful.


Encountering the Big Five in Rwanda’s Akagera National Park offers an unparalleled wildlife experience. Each of these animals contributes to the rich tapestry of Rwanda’s natural heritage.


Are There Lions in Rwanda? Can You See Lions in Rwanda?

Yes, there are lions in Rwanda. They were reintroduced to Akagera National Park in 2015. This successful reintroduction aimed to restore the park’s natural predator-prey balance. Since then, the lion population has been thriving and growing. Tourists can now see lions during game drives in Akagera. Observing these majestic predators in their natural habitat is a highlight for visitors. The reintroduction of lions has significantly enhanced the wildlife safaris tour experience in Rwanda. Conservation efforts continue to support and protect these iconic animals. Lions add excitement and grandeur to Rwanda’s wildlife offerings.


Are There Leopards in Rwanda?

Yes, there are leopards in Rwanda. They primarily inhabit Akagera National Park, thriving in its diverse landscapes. These elusive big cats are skilled hunters and adept climbers. Spotting a leopard is a rare but thrilling experience for visitors. Leopards are nocturnal, making them harder to see during the day. Their presence adds to the park’s rich biodiversity. Conservation efforts help maintain a healthy leopard population. Leopards contribute to the natural predator-prey balance in Akagera. Observing these magnificent animals in the wild is unforgettable. Rwanda’s commitment to wildlife protection supports their continued survival.


Are There Big Cats in Rwanda

Yes, Rwanda is home to big cats, specifically lions and leopards. Lions were reintroduced to Akagera National Park in 2015, thriving alongside leopards, which inhabit the park’s diverse landscapes. These majestic predators play a vital role in Rwanda’s ecosystem, contributing to the natural balance as apex predators. While lions are more commonly sighted during game drives due to their social nature, leopards, with their elusive and solitary habits, offer a more challenging but equally rewarding safari experience. Their presence enriches Rwanda’s wildlife offerings, attracting visitors seeking encounters with Africa’s iconic big cats. Conservation efforts ensure the protection and sustainability of these populations, enhancing the overall safari experience in Rwanda’s national parks.


Does Rwanda Have Tigers?

No, Rwanda does not have tigers. Tigers are not native to Africa; they are typically found in parts of Asia. Rwanda’s wildlife is known for its diverse array of species, including mountain gorillas, elephants, lions, and various antelope species, but tigers are not among them.


Amazing Rwanda Safaris to Undertake on Top of Your Wildlife Safari

In addition to wildlife safaris, Rwanda offers a range of amazing wildlife safaris tour experiences that immerse visitors in its rich culture and breathtaking landscapes. A canopy walk in Nyungwe Forest National Park provides a bird’s-eye view of the lush rainforest, while chimpanzee tracking offers a chance to observe these intelligent primates up close. Cultural encounters, such as visiting the vibrant markets of Kigali or exploring traditional villages, offer insights into Rwanda’s history and traditions. For adventure enthusiasts, hiking to the summit of Mount Bisoke or exploring the picturesque shores of Lake Kivu offer unforgettable experiences. Whether trekking through dense forests, immersing in local culture, or enjoying thrilling outdoor adventures, Rwanda’s diverse safari options promise unforgettable memories beyond traditional wildlife encounters.


Can You See Elephants in Rwanda?

Yes, you can see elephants in Rwanda. Elephants are among the wildlife species found in Akagera National Park, located in the eastern part of the country. Akagera is home to a population of African elephants that roam freely in its diverse habitats, including savannahs, woodlands, and wetlands. Visitors to Akagera have the opportunity to see elephants during game drives and boat safaris, observing these majestic creatures in their natural environment. Seeing elephants in Rwanda is a memorable experience and adds to the richness of wildlife encounters in the country.


Gorilla Tours in Volcanoes National Park

Gorilla tours in Volcanoes National Park offer an extraordinary opportunity to witness the critically endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Trekking through the misty forests of the Virunga Mountains, visitors embark on an unforgettable adventure guided by experienced trackers and rangers. Each trek is unique, as travelers traverse rugged terrain and dense vegetation in search of habituated gorilla families. Upon encountering these gentle giants, visitors are mesmerized by the intimate interactions and behaviors of the gorillas, providing a profound and immersive wildlife experience. Gorilla tours in Volcanoes National Park not only contribute to gorilla conservation efforts but also leave a lasting impact on travelers, fostering a deeper appreciation for the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures and their fragile ecosystems.


Chimpanzee Tracking Tours in Nyungwe Forest National Park

Chimpanzee tracking tours in Nyungwe Forest National Park offer an enchanting adventure into one of Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse rainforests. Led by experienced guides, visitors embark on immersive treks through lush vegetation, listening for the distinct calls of chimpanzees echoing through the canopy. As one of the largest populations of chimpanzees in East Africa resides here, chances of sightings are high. Along the way, trekkers may encounter other primate species, including colobus monkeys and L’Hoest’s monkeys, adding to the excitement of the journey. The highlight of the tour is undoubtedly the opportunity to observe these intelligent and charismatic primates in their natural habitat, witnessing their social dynamics and behaviors up close. Chimpanzee tracking tours not only offer a thrilling wildlife experience but also contribute to the conservation efforts aimed at protecting Nyungwe’s remarkable biodiversity for generations to come.


Bird Watching Tours

Bird watching tours in Rwanda offer a captivating exploration of the country’s rich avian diversity, making it a paradise for bird enthusiasts. Whether venturing into the dense rainforests of Nyungwe or traversing the savannahs of Akagera, visitors are treated to sightings of a vast array of bird species, including numerous endemics and migratory birds. Led by knowledgeable guides, these tours provide valuable insights into bird behavior, habitats, and conservation efforts. Highlights may include spotting the vibrant plumage of the great blue turaco, the elusive shoebill stork in wetlands, or the Rwenzori turaco darting through the forest canopy. With Rwanda’s commitment to sustainable tourism and conservation, bird watching tours not only offer unforgettable birding experiences but also contribute to the protection of the country’s avian treasures for future generations to enjoy.


Cultural Tours in Rwanda

Embark on a cultural journey through Rwanda’s vibrant heritage with enriching cultural tours that offer insights into the country’s history, traditions, and local communities. From the bustling markets and colorful streets of Kigali to the serene villages nestled in the countryside, these tours provide a multifaceted exploration of Rwandan culture. Visitors have the opportunity to engage with local artisans, witness traditional craftsmanship, and participate in cultural activities such as drumming, dancing, and basket weaving.

A visit to the Genocide Memorial in Kigali offers a somber yet important reflection on Rwanda’s past and the resilience of its people. Additionally, cultural tours often include visits to Rwandan homes, where guests can partake in authentic Rwandan meals and learn about daily life from welcoming hosts. By immersing in Rwanda’s cultural tapestry, travelers gain a deeper appreciation for the country’s identity and the warmth of its people, fostering meaningful connections and lasting memories.


Visiting Rwanda Genocide Memorial Sites

Visiting Rwanda’s genocide memorial sites is a sobering yet essential part of understanding the country’s history and honoring the lives lost during the tragic events of 1994. The Kigali Genocide Memorial, located in the capital city, provides a comprehensive and moving tribute to the victims of the genocide. Through exhibits, personal testimonies, and preserved artifacts, visitors gain insight into the causes, consequences, and impact of the genocide on Rwandan society.

Additionally, touring memorial sites outside of Kigali, such as the Nyamata and Murambi Genocide Memorials, offers a more intimate and poignant perspective, as these locations bear witness to some of the darkest moments of the genocide. Guided tours provide valuable context and facilitate respectful engagement with the memorials, fostering reflection, remembrance, and a commitment to preventing such atrocities in the future. By paying homage to the victims and survivors of the genocide, visitors contribute to Rwanda’s ongoing healing process and reaffirm the importance of remembrance and reconciliation in building a peaceful and inclusive society.


Golden Monkey Trekking

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with golden monkey trekking in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, offering a unique opportunity to encounter these charismatic primates in their natural habitat. Led by experienced guides, trekkers venture into the lush bamboo forests of the Virunga Mountains, home to one of the largest populations of golden monkeys in the world. As sunlight filters through the canopy, visitors are treated to glimpses of these playful creatures leaping through the trees and foraging for food on the forest floor.

Observing the golden monkeys‘ distinctive golden-orange fur and expressive faces up close provides a captivating wildlife experience and excellent photographic opportunities. Golden monkey trekking not only offers a thrilling adventure but also contributes to the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these endangered primates and their fragile mountain ecosystem. With its breathtaking scenery and enchanting wildlife encounters, golden monkey trekking is a must-do experience for nature lovers visiting Rwanda.


Undertaking Mountain Hiking Adventures

Undertaking mountain hiking adventures in Rwanda promises thrilling experiences amidst stunning natural landscapes and diverse ecosystems. With its iconic volcanic peaks and lush forests, the country offers a range of hiking opportunities for adventurers of all skill levels. Ascend to the summit of Mount Bisoke for panoramic views of crater lakes and dense vegetation, or challenge yourself with a trek to the top of Mount Karisimbi, Rwanda’s highest peak, where you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking vistas of the Virunga Mountains.

For those seeking a more immersive experience, multi-day hikes through Nyungwe Forest National Park offer encounters with rare primates, vibrant birdlife, and cascading waterfalls. Guided by knowledgeable local guides, these mountain hiking adventures provide not only physical challenges but also opportunities for cultural exchange and environmental education. By exploring Rwanda’s rugged terrain on foot, adventurers forge connections with nature and create lasting memories in one of Africa’s most captivating destinations.


How Much Does It Cost to See Gorillas in Rwanda? How Much Is Gorilla Trekking Experience in Rwanda?

The cost of gorilla trekking in Rwanda varies depending on several factors, including the time of year, permit availability, and Deks Uganda Safaris. As of my last update, the permit fee for gorilla trekking in Rwanda was $1,500 per person for non-residents and $1,500 for foreign residents. Rwandan citizens and East African Community residents enjoy discounted rates. Additionally, Deks Uganda Safaris may charge additional fees for transportation, accommodation, and guiding services. Overall, the total cost of a gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda typically ranges from $1,500 to $2,000 per person. It’s essential to book permits well in advance, as they are limited and in high demand.


Is it Safe to Travel to Rwanda to See Gorillas

Yes, it is generally safe to travel to Rwanda to see gorillas. Rwanda is known for its stability, low crime rates, and welcoming hospitality. The government has invested significantly in tourism infrastructure and security measures, particularly in national parks like Volcanoes National Park where gorilla trekking takes place. However, as with any travel destination, it’s essential to stay informed about current events and follow any travel advisories issued by your government. Additionally, when trekking to see gorillas, it’s crucial to follow the guidelines provided by park rangers to ensure both your safety and the well-being of the gorillas. Overall, with proper planning and precautions, traveling to Rwanda for a gorilla trekking experience can be a safe and rewarding adventure.


How Much is a Gorilla Safari in Rwanda? How Much are Gorilla Tours in Rwanda?

The cost of a gorilla safari or tour in Rwanda varies depending on several factors, including Deks Uganda Safaris, the duration of the safari, the level of accommodation, and any additional activities included in the package. On average, a gorilla safari in Rwanda can range from $1,500 to $3,000 or more per person for a multi-day tour. This cost typically includes the permit fee for gorilla trekking, accommodation, meals, transportation within Rwanda, and the services of a professional guide.

Luxury safari experiences with high-end accommodation and exclusive amenities may cost more, while budget options with simpler accommodations may be more affordable. It’s essential to research to Deks Uganda Safaris to find the best option that fits your budget and preferences. Additionally, booking well in advance is recommended, especially for gorilla permits, as they are limited and in high demand.


Is Gorilla Trekking Better in Rwanda or Uganda?

The choice between gorilla trekking in Rwanda or Uganda ultimately depends on your preferences and priorities. Both countries offer incredible opportunities to encounter mountain gorillas in their natural habitats, but there are some differences to consider:


  • Accessibility: Gorilla trekking in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park is generally more accessible and convenient, with shorter travel distances from the capital city of Kigali to the park.
  • Permit Cost: Gorilla permits in Rwanda are more expensive compared to Uganda, currently priced at $1,500 per person for non-residents.
  • Terrain: The terrain in Volcanoes National Park is often more rugged and steep, which may result in more challenging trekking conditions.


  • Cost: Gorilla permits in Uganda are generally less expensive than in Rwanda, currently priced at $800 per person for foreign non-residents.
  • Habituation Experience: Uganda offers the unique opportunity for gorilla habituation experiences in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, allowing for longer and more immersive encounters with gorilla families.
  • Biodiversity: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda is also home to a higher diversity of primate species compared to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

Ultimately, both Rwanda and Uganda offer unforgettable gorilla trekking experiences, each with its own advantages. It’s recommended to consider factors such as budget, travel preferences, and desired safari itinerary when choosing between the two destinations.


Packing List for Rwanda Wildlife Safari – What to Pack for Rwanda Wildlife Safaris Tour?

Packing for a wildlife safari in Rwanda requires careful consideration to ensure comfort, safety, and enjoyment during your adventure. Here’s a comprehensive packing list:


  • Lightweight, breathable clothing for warm days
  • Long-sleeved shirts and pants for sun protection and to guard against mosquitoes
  • Fleece or jacket for cooler evenings and early mornings
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket or poncho
  • Comfortable, sturdy hiking boots or walking shoes
  • Hat with a brim or cap for sun protection
  • Swimsuit (if your accommodation has a pool or hot tub)
  • Quick-drying towel


  • Binoculars for wildlife viewing
  • Camera with extra batteries and memory cards
  • Sunscreen with high SPF
  • Insect repellent containing DEET
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Personal medications and a basic first aid kit
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Daypack or small backpack for carrying essentials during treks


  • Passport and copies of important documents (including gorilla trekking permit)
  • Travel insurance information
  • Currency (Rwandan Francs) and/or credit/debit cards
  • Portable charger or power bank for electronic devices
  • Snacks and energy bars for long drives or hikes
  • Waterproof bag or dry sack to protect electronics and valuables during rainy conditions
  • Travel adapter for charging devices
  • Lightweight, compact binoculars for bird watching

It’s important to pack light and practical clothing suitable for outdoor activities and to respect the local customs and culture when dressing. Additionally, consider the specific activities and accommodations planned for your safari and adjust your packing list accordingly.


Hotels (Lodges) in Rwanda to Use on your Wildlife Viewing Vacation

Rwanda offers a range of exquisite lodges and hotels that provide exceptional accommodations for visitors on wildlife viewing vacations. Here are some top options:

Bisate Lodge

Nestled near Volcanoes National Park, Bisate Lodge offers luxurious eco-friendly accommodations with stunning views of the surrounding volcanic peaks. Guests can enjoy guided gorilla treks and other wildlife encounters while indulging in world-class amenities.

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge

Situated on the edge of Volcanoes National Park, Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge offers elegant cottages with breathtaking views of the Virunga Mountains. With its close proximity to the park, guests can easily access gorilla trekking and other activities.

One&Only Gorilla’s Nest

This exclusive resort offers unparalleled luxury in the heart of Rwanda’s wilderness. Located near Volcanoes National Park, One&Only Gorilla’s Nest provides opulent accommodations, gourmet dining, and immersive wildlife experiences.

Nyungwe House

Tucked away in the lush rainforest of Nyungwe National Park, Nyungwe House offers refined accommodations surrounded by pristine nature. Guests can explore the park’s diverse wildlife, including chimpanzees, while enjoying the lodge’s spa and wellness facilities.

Akagera Game Lodge

Situated within Akagera National Park, Akagera Game Lodge offers comfortable accommodations overlooking Lake Ihema. Guests can embark on thrilling game drives to spot the park’s diverse wildlife, including lions, elephants, and hippos.

Virunga Lodge

Perched on a hilltop overlooking the twin lakes of Bulera and Ruhondo, Virunga Lodge offers rustic luxury in a stunning natural setting. Guests can enjoy gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park and unwind in the lodge’s serene surroundings.

These lodges and hotels provide the perfect base for wildlife viewing vacations in Rwanda, offering unparalleled comfort, service, and access to the country’s incredible natural wonders.


Is Rwanda Good for Safari? Why Do a Wildlife Safaris tour in Rwanda?

Rwanda is an excellent choice for safari enthusiasts, offering unique and diverse wildlife experiences that set it apart as a premier safari destination. Here are some compelling reasons to do a wildlife safari tour in Rwanda:

Mountain Gorillas

Rwanda is renowned for its population of endangered mountain gorillas, making it one of the best places in the world for gorilla trekking. Visitors have the opportunity to observe these magnificent creatures up close in their natural habitat, creating unforgettable memories and supporting gorilla conservation efforts.

Diverse Ecosystems

Despite its small size, Rwanda boasts a remarkable diversity of ecosystems, ranging from dense rainforests to expansive savannahs. This diversity supports a wide variety of wildlife, including the iconic Big Five (lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos), as well as numerous bird species and primates.


Rwanda’s national parks are easily accessible from the capital city of Kigali, with relatively short travel distances compared to other safari destinations. This makes it convenient for travelers to embark on wildlife excursions and maximize their time in the country.

Conservation Success

Rwanda is committed to wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism practices, resulting in well-managed national parks and thriving wildlife populations. Visitors can feel confident that their safari experiences contribute to the protection of Rwanda’s natural heritage and support local communities.

Cultural Experiences

In addition to wildlife encounters, Rwanda offers rich cultural experiences that provide insights into the country’s history, traditions, and vibrant communities. From visiting genocide memorials to exploring traditional villages, cultural tours add depth and meaning to the safari experience.

Overall, Rwanda’s combination of breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and commitment to conservation make it an ideal destination for a wildlife safari tour, offering adventure, education, and unforgettable encounters with nature.


Rwanda Wildlife Safaris Cost – How much is a wildlife holiday in Rwanda?

The cost of a wildlife holiday in Rwanda varies depending on factors such as the duration of the safari, the level of accommodation, the activities included, and Deks Uganda Safaris. On average, a wildlife holiday in Rwanda can range from $2,000 to $6,000 or more per person for a multi-day tour. This cost typically includes accommodations, meals, transportation within Rwanda, park fees, and the services of professional guides. Additional expenses may include gorilla trekking permits, optional activities, gratuities, and international airfare. Luxury safari experiences with high-end lodges and exclusive amenities may incur higher costs, while budget options with simpler accommodations may be more affordable. It’s essential to research out to Deks Uganda Safaris to find the best option that fits your budget and preferences for your wildlife holiday in Rwanda.